Saturday, December 8, 2012

Last week's workout

Time goes fast! I started planning my class for Monday and realized I hadn't shared last Monday's class with you. It was pretty simple but still hard for me!

Twenty reps of each, four rounds of the following:
Split lunge (back leg on ball) using a weighted bar for stability or holding bar above head
One-legged dead lifts with bar (can use handweights any time instead of bar)
Pushups (with legs on ball)
Ab crunches with ball (pull knees into chest as pull ball from knees to toes)
Overhead press (bar or ball)
Biceps Curl
Overhead triceps press (lying on ball)
Squats (can add jump to make it harder)

Hope you all have a restful Sunday and are ready to workout hard come Monday!


I'm a Mormon.