Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Quote and Book Giveaway

"Nothing tastes as good as mean and lean feels." Michael Colgan

I've always loved this quote and tried to use it to motivate me to eat better, but recently I've begun to notice how truly crappy I feel when I eat ice cream and chocolate. Don't get alarmed. I'm not turning my back on my favorite foods! It's just been amazing to me how much better I feel when I eat healthy and how sick I get when I don't. It's like my poor body is saying, "We've consumed chocolate for the past 35 years and we need you to back off now chickie."

Have any of you noticed that difference when you eat healthy? Is it worth it for you to give up some comfort foods and realize that the taste is only temporary but your health and fitness level are permanent? It's taken me years to come to this realization and I'm praying I won't forget it next week!

Wanted to share another giveaway and review of The Sister Pact - http://justanothernewblog.blogspot.com/2009/09/giveaway-and-review-sister-pact-105.html.

If you already have your copy you could start stocking up for Christmas presents (hey, an author can hope).

Have a lovely day,



  1. I think the moment that feeling good (physically and mentally) overcomes the need for instant gratification is a powerful one. When I realized I actually wanted the healthier food (and that I could always have a treat when I wanted one), I also realized I'd won the battle with food...it becomes a tool you can control rather than something that controls you. Great post!

  2. Good for you, Paige. I sometimes still feel like I'm fighting that battle. Ooh, but I love chocolate! But I love feeling in control and healthy more.
    Thanks for your comment,


I'm a Mormon.