Friday, April 1, 2011

Gearing up for half-marathon

Smithfield City is hosting their first ever half marathon. If you live in Northern Utah you are definitely going to want to check this out. Smithfield City does a fabulous job on their short races (Turkey Trot and Health Days). This half-marathon is not going to be easy (hills galore) but I know it will be well-organized and my favorite part - no smelly bus ride up a canyon. You begin and end at the Rec. Center (it's a loop so it won't be boring). I am so excited for this race. I get nervous just thinking about it, but excited as well. If any of you live out of town and want to run, we've got a fabulous guest room! Any race plans in your future?


  1. Great event, will surely participate in this marathon.

  2. Yeah! It's going to be tough, but I'm very excited.

  3. GO CAMI!!!
    EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! ENJOY... hoping all is well!
    BUSY on this end....just getting the PINK nursery finished up and planning....about 5 more weeks for Miss Savannah arrives.
    HUGS to you! Can't wait to hear about your training and the BEST...RACE DAY!
    no Races for me...hung it up in Jan with the half at 20 weeks preggo... Hoping to do the Local one here in October.
    Hubby has a FULL this week-end in ST Louis!!

  4. I can't believe you did a half at 20 weeks. You're amazing!
    Savannah? I love that name. Did you know that was my heroine's name in The Sister Pact? If I ever get a girl I might have to steal!
    Have a lovely time buying pink. Can't wait to hear the labor stories and see the adorable pictures!


I'm a Mormon.