Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Exercise = Happy Mom

Exercise just makes me happy. After a good, hard workout I'm on a high for a while and that's good for everybody in the family.

Why is that?

"Exercise releases endorphins, natural hormones that flood the body with a feel-good energy, a natural high! You release stress through physical exertion and regulated breathing, so you can let go of the day’s challenges and go home feeling relaxed and refreshed." (i)

I can promise you that is true. I feel better physically and emotionally after I exercise and when I'm facing a hard problem or need to prepare a speech or presentation or think up a new scene for a book I do my best work out on a walk or run.

Exercise can also help relieve depression: "In the New York Times recent research, studying twins, indicated that, despite studies that seemed to suggest that exercise was almost as effective in relieving depression as anti-depressants, in fact, the “association of exercise with reduced anxious and depressive symptoms could be explained genetically: people disinclined to exercise also tend to be depressed. One does not cause the other.” (ii)

Exercise has so many great benefits. I think too often we exercise to lose weight but that's just a nice side benefit for me.

What do you do to get happy?

(i) Exercise can Make You Happy & Healthy by David Bohl, read the entire article here.
(ii) The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, check out the blog here.


  1. I couldn't AGREE MORE....EXERCISE makes for a MUCH HAPPIER MOMMA on this end. It's about TOTAL HEALTH....the physical benefits are great....but JUST AS IMPORTANT is the MENTAL release that exercise provides and the RUSH of ENDORPHINS from sweating is my drug of choice....that and some chocolate.... ha ha.
    Hoping you are well!!!

  2. Have to agree on the chocolate as well!
    We're doing great, just a little crazy but it's worth it!
    Thanks for stopping by.


I'm a Mormon.